Recent Scams

Not love, actually

Valentine’s Day is this weekend, so over the next three days, we’re talking about romance scams. Lots of people have profiles on dating apps to meet someone — maybe even more so in these virtual times. And many people have built successful relationships from an online start. But what if, instead of finding a potential partner, you find a scam?

Avoid Scammers offering to pay your rent

If you’re facing eviction for any reason, there are organizations out there who can help you. But there are also fake “organizations” and “charities” who can hurt you.

Scammers are scheming as reopens

The Coronavirus pandemic has not only had a dramatic health impact, but also an economic blow as many Americans are now unemployed — and uninsured. As a result, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has re-opened for a “Special Enrollment Period,” from February 15, 2021 – May 15, 2021. This Special Enrollment Period will give people who need health...

Scammers cash in on COVID-19 vaccination confusion

With every passing day, the news on COVID-19 vaccine distribution seems to change. One reason is that distribution varies by state and territory. And scammers, always at the ready, are taking advantage of the confusion. Besides a big dose of patience, here are some tips to help you avoid a vaccine-related scam, no matter where you live:

What to know about the second round of Economic Impact Payment (EIP) checks and cards

The US Department of the Treasury and the IRS are working hard to get a second round of Economic Impact Payments (EIP) to people. You might have already gotten your payment direct deposited into your bank account. That started on December 29th. You might have gotten a check in the mail. But, like last time, some people will get their payment in the mail on an EIP VISA debit card. Don’t...

What to know about tech support scams

During the pandemic, we’re doing more online – working, connecting with family and friends, shopping, and banking. So, if something goes wrong with your device, you want to fix it right away. Scammers are preying on this, offering phony tech support services. Here’s what you should know about tech support scams.

2nd stimulus: IRS warns of new text scam aimed getting people to accept fake checks

While Congress tries to figure out what to do about the second round of stimulus checks, criminals are using that opportunity to steal your identity. The IRS is warning people about a fake government stimulus offer being used by scammers to get at your personal information.

COVID-19 vaccines are in the pipeline. Scammers won’t be far behind.

Reports about the release of COVID-19 vaccines by the end of the year are promising, but plans for distribution are still being worked out. While we wait for a timeline and more information, there’s no doubt scammers will be scheming. Here’s what you need to know to avoid a vaccine-related scam:

Fake calls from Apple and Amazon support: What you need to know

Scammers are calling people and using the names of two companies everyone knows, Apple and Amazon, to rip people off. Here’s what you need to know about these calls.

Giving wisely in the time of COVID

Thanks to COVID-19, many charitable organizations are faced with greater demand for their services, but less in donations as people have less to give. Now, more than ever, it’s important to make sure that your donation will be used wisely and well. Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, and as you consider new places to send your donations, now and throughout the holiday season, don’t forget these...

This holiday season, help friends and family avoid a scam

When you talk with friends and family over the holidays, you may hear about new puppies, old sports rivalries, and dreams of the next vacation. As you join the conversation, why not share some ideas to protect the people you care about from scams? Read these tips from the FTC’s Pass it On campaign for ideas, and then tell people where to find them.

MPSC, Attorney General urge Michiganders to not fall victim to phone scammers threatening to shut off utilities

The Michigan Public Service Commission and Attorney General Dana Nessel today joined with utilities, government agencies and other advocates across the country in recognizing Utility Scam Awareness Week, which helps educate the public about common tactics swindlers posing as utility companies use to defraud people of money.

Help veterans avoid scams

On Veterans Day, we celebrate our veterans — more than 18 million strong. We thank you for your service and sacrifice. It’s also a good time to arm yourself with some tips to avoid fraud. We know that scammers follow the headlines, and their schemes evolve to take advantage of the things catching our attention now. Knowing what to look for helps all of us steer clear of a con artist.

Fake Clorox and Lysol websites try to take people to the cleaners

Scammers follow the headlines. They take advantage of what’s happening in the news to find new ways to get people to part with their money. During the COVID pandemic, cleaning supplies have been in high demand, but often in short supply. Scammers see that as opportunity knocking.

How to spot, avoid and report imposter scams

Imposter scams often begin with a call, text message, or email. The scams may vary, but work the same way – a scammer pretends to be someone you trust to convince you to send them money or share personal information.